Project Toolkit
Ignite a conversation about mental illness online and in your community
On PBS, online and in the community, MINDS ON THE EDGE is starting the conversation about mental illness.

Join us in encouraging dialogue from kitchen tables to town halls, from coffee shops to professional meetings, and from nonprofit organizations to state houses.

Answers to the challenging questions of how to provide treatment and support for people living with mental illness can only emerge from robust conversation within your family and circle of friends, within your profession and within your community.

Be a part of it, and a voice for progress
There are many ways that you can get involved, from simply spreading the word about the MINDS ON THE EDGE project, to taking the lead by organizing a screening event and discussion.

"If we can talk about mental illness, so can you."
That statement sums up the simple idea of the project’s outreach campaign. It is time to confront the stigma that silences so many people struggling with the consequences of mental illness, talk publicly about the challenges that face us as individuals, as families and as a society, and build a mental health system that meets our needs on all of these levels.

Tools to help plan an event.
Ignite a conversation about
mental illness.
Engage the community page.
Submit a video response to our