State By StateAlaska

  • In Anchorage, the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority hosted a Brown Bag Lunch screening of MINDS ON THE EDGE at the Nesbett Courthouse in conjunction with the Anchorage Mental Health Court. The Alaska Bar Association approved 1.5 Continuing Legal Education credits for attending the event. About 25 people from the criminal justice and behavioral health community participated. They watched the video and took time between segments for audience discussion of similar experiences in the Anchorage community. Judge Stephanie Rhoades, founder of the Mental Health Court in Anchorage, and Kate Sumey, project coordinator, facilitated the discussion.

    The feedback was good with overwhelming response that this format should be used at a daylong training session. They plan to view MINDS ON THE EDGE again at the mental health stakeholder meeting in the coming month and introduce it to other Anchorage therapeutic court partners (Addictions Court and Family Preservation Court).

    Brown Bag Lunch: "Criminalization of the Mentally Ill: Minds on the Edge"
    Date: Jan. 22, 2010
    Time: 11:30 am - 1pm
    Location: Alaska Court System, Nesbit Courthouse, Therapeutic Courts office in the basement, 825 West 4th Ave., Anchorage
    Contact: RSVP to Kate Sumey, MA Project Coordinator
    Anchorage Mental Health Court at or (907) 264-0886
    Description: Please join the Anchorage Coordinated Resources Project (mental health court) for a viewing of a DVD and discussion on challenging ethical and legal issues involving mental health and the impact on the criminal justice system. MINDS ON THE EDGE: Facing Mental Illness connects the dots between agonizing dilemmas facing individuals and families who are living with mental illness, medical practices that can be obstacles to treatment, and public policies that all too often lead to prison rather than providing support for recovery.

  • NAMI-JUNEAU's board of directors screened MINDS ON THE EDGE and made plans to tie MINDS viewing and activities in with Mental Illness Awareness Week.

  • NAMI-ANCHORAGE's president and peer advocate Francine Harbour is using the DVD she got at the NAMI Conference with local grassroots efforts.