NAMI-MONTEREY COUNTY held a very well-attended public screening of MINDS ON THE EDGE on September 30, 2009 at the Monterey Library Community Room followed by a panel discussion that included the county's presiding Superior Court Judge, a local police chief and representatives for consumers, service agencies and parents. The event was publicized in the Monterey County Herald and in a follow up article that reported: "the turnout for the September 30th airing of Minds on the Edge in Monterey exceeded all expectations. More than 100 people jammed Monterey Public Library..."
The Loma Linda VA Facility of Glendora is using the MINDS ON THE EDGE DVD for its in-service training committee. In the coming months, the facility plans to host a screening for its entire staff.
University of Southern California's Active Minds chapter hosted a campus screening of MINDS ON THE EDGE on October 8, 2009 as part of an effort to increase campus awareness of issues relating to mental illness.
In San Jose, Momentum for Mental Health screened MINDS ON THE EDGE on October 7, 2009. Momentum for Mental Health helps individuals achieve mental and emotional health, discover and reach their potential, and fully participate in their lives.
NAMI-SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY screened MINDS ON THE EDGE at their November 2009 general meeting and invited staff at San Joaquin Behavioral Health. The meeting was open to all community members to attend. A discussion lead by a panel from the community followed the screening.
The Merced County Library hosted a screening and discussion with the director of Merced County Mental Health on Thursday November 14, 2009.
University of California, Berkeley showed MINDS ON THE EDGE at their annual retreat for Counseling and Psychological Services. They reported:
As part of the retreat we showed "Minds on the Edge" to our staff and had small group discussions when the film was over. We received positive feedback about the film and had very rich discussions. We focused the discussions on both professional opinions and personal reactions to the discussion in the video. 42 staff participated including18 Senior staff (psychologists and social workers), 6 Psychiatrists, 9 Trainees and 9 Administrative support staff.
At UCB I work specifically with the residence halls and I may have a screening for the residence life staff at some point in the Spring semester. I will let you know if we show it. On a personal note I very much enjoyed the video. I work at the university but I also work on a mobile crisis team in the city of Oakland one day a week, so I was able to identify with the issues presented by both Olivia and James.
NAMI-SACRAMENTO screened MINDS ON THE EDGE on January 11, 2010 at the SMUD Auditorium.
NAMI-SAN LUIS OBISPO COUNTY announced a screening in their January 2010 Newsletter:
Happy New Year! We start off 2010 with a program called Minds on the Edge - Facing Mental Illness. This video explains dilemmas faced when living with mental illness. There will be time for discussion after the presentation...The meeting is on Tuesday January 26 at 7:00PM.
NAMI-EAST BAY held a screening and discussion of MINDS ON THE EDGE on January 27, 2010 at the Albany United Methodist Church.
The Butte County Department of Behavioral Health at California State University Chico has used MINDS ON THE EDGE since its broadcast premiere as part of a community-wide project called "Book in Common."
In Folsom, parent support groups for families with children diagnosed with bipolar disorder held a screening of MINDS ON THE EDGE for school personnel and the local police department.
College Health of Santa Fe Springs is using MINDS ON THE EDGE as a training device for staff and local law enforcement officials.
Mental Health America in San Diego County is organizing a community discussion around MINDS ON THE EDGE.
NAMI-SAN DIEGO is using MINDS ON THE EDGE for family support groups.
The Los Angeles Department of Mental Health is hosting a two-day conference April 15-16. A MINDS ON THE EDGE screening presented by Fred Friendly staff and special guest Fred Frese (a MINDS panelist) will close this second annual California Mental Health Advocacy Conference. The conference brings together change champions and stakeholders from the state and nation to share information about national and state initiatives, discuss ways to combat stigma discrimination associated with mental illness symptoms, labels and treatment, and make plans for the future. For information: IMendez@dmh.lacounty.gov
The 12th Anniversary of the Jon E. Nadherny Calciano Symposium on Saturday, May 15, 2010. Individual speaker presentations will be followed by a moderated panel discussion with questions and answers from the audience. Speakers include MINDS panelists, Pete Earley and Frederick J. Frese, PhD. The symposium's goal is to help foster an open dialogue among a broad range of health care professionals, school personnel, law enforcement officials as well as consumers of mental health services, their family and friends, as well as the general public. MINDS ON THE EDGE DVDs will be provided to all conference participants. Attendance includes 6 hours of Continuing Education Credits.
Celebrating the 12th Anniversary of the
Jon E. Nadherny / Calciano Memorial Youth Symposium
We are proud to present
Perspectives on Mental Illness : Seldom Heard Stories
Enhancing community dialogue on stigma, hope, and mental health
recovery while focusing on national and local strategies, tools, and
Friday, March 12, 2010
9am - 4 pm
The Cocoanut Grove Grand Ballroom at the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk