State By State
North American Family Institute of Massachusetts, serving North Shore, Lowell, Lawrence, Haverhill, Fitchburg, Westboro and other Northeast Massachusetts locations, works with clients who have mental illness. They hosted a screening of MINDS ON THE EDGE November 17, 2009 at their Cultural Champion Meeting. The attendees were impressed with the presentation, particularly the scenarios involving Olivia and James. The group suggested that the video be used as a training tool for new employees as an introduction to the mental health system and the challenges that people face in trying to access it.
NAMI-CENTRAL MIDDLESEX presented MINDS ON THE EDGE February 15, 2010 in Bedford followed by a community "talk back" that featured several local directors involved with mental health programs.
In Arlington, Patricia Nemec reports plans to use the DVD for academic education in psychiatric rehabilitation and site-based training of psychiatric rehabilitation practitioners.
NAMI-NORTH ESSEX plans to present MINDS ON THE EDGE at an affiliate board meeting and at Family Support Groups for Caregivers.
NAMI-HAMILTON AND CAPE ANN plans to use the DVD for an educational community meeting.